
My name is Stephen Nelson. I have some stories to tell, and some great and talented friends to help me tell them. If you like a strange story, if you enjoy a twisted tale, sit down, stay a while, and listen! Someday soon, we hope to transform our stories into comics which you may purchase, so as to bear happily home to you demented domiciles.

You might not want to let Mom see them, though.

Projects my friends and I are currently conspiring on include my macabre fantasy adventure/comedy Rat's Tooth, Rita Gorgoni's awesome Dark Fantasy tale, Iron Head, and The Children of Pollut Un Roone, a dark fantasy tale written by myself, illustrated by Stefano Cardoselli, and set in the incredible fantasy world of Brom Kah, created by Garrett Adderly!

So please come in, look around, and we hope you enjoy our Stories! Unpleasant Dreams!

Thanks go out to lots of folks, including Alex Johns, who designed the logo you see above for me!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Iron Head Teaser

Near the end of a lifetime of battles, Duke Higer, a peerless fighting man, wants only to return home to his wife and his ancestral lands. But the road home will be longer and more tortuous than Higer imagines. Going home again, may, in fact, be impossible...

Iron Head is the brainchild of the formidable creative team of Stefano Cardoselli and Rita Gorgoni of Azurek Studios, Italy.
A bonanza of graphic violence and imaginative storytelling, Iron Head is already well along the road to completion, and is due to wrap up in July of this year, when it will be ready for release through Hard Words for Hard Times!

Iron Head Test Colors in Progress.....

Some samples of Stefano's superb pen and inks----Enjoy!

Watch this space, dear friends, as the story unfolds....

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